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GCSE Subject Guide

Welcome to our virtual GCSE Subject Guide. Please take some time to read through the information below. 

The aim for Years 10 and 11 is to follow a curriculum based on a ‘core’ of English, Maths and Science and four ‘options’ that ensures a broadly balanced programme for all pupils, without inhibiting the specialisation required for a variety of Sixth Form courses. Pupils will also complete the Felsted Diploma Project.

In Years 10 and 11, every pupil studies English Language, English Literature, Mathematics and Science. Each pupil should then choose four optional subjects ensuring that they meet the requirements of the two restrictions placed on the choice.

1. One of the following Modern Foreign Languages must be chosen: French, German, Spanish, and Latin

2. A humanities subject must be chosen: Classical Civilisation, Geography, History, Latin, and Theology, Ethics and Philosophy (Religious Studies)

GCSE Curriculum Information 


All the GCSE subjects offered at Felsted are listed below. Use the tabs to filter subjects by core and optional.

Curriculum Enhancement


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GCSE Curriculum

Two Felsted pupils sat at desk in classroom smiling at laptop screen.


Pupils walking outside of a private senior school in Essex