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The academic programme for pupils of all ages at Felsted is dynamic and progressive.

From the earliest years in Prep through to our Sixth Form at the Senior School, teachers draw on the latest research into teaching and learning to deliver lessons that are exciting, engaging and tailored exactly to the class and the individuals within it. Learning is brought to life on a regular basis, through visits and talks by outside experts, workshops and hands-on sessions, and a round of trips and excursions designed to demonstrate to the pupils that the curriculum can extend beyond the classroom and their knowledge has an application in the real world.

Our daughter has achieved beyond our expectations and watching her academic confidence grow has been lovely to watch.

Two Felsted pupils smiling as they work on a joint laptop in a classroom.

Felsted Parent

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

In the Classroom

Early Years & Key Stage 1 (Ages 4-7)

Side photo of young Felsted pupil with headphones on sat in classroom looking at laptop screen.

GCSE (Ages 14-16)

Side angle of two Felsted pupils in classroom sat at a desk listening to the teacher out of shot.

Key Stage 2 (Ages 7-11)

Felsted pupils in Years 3 and 4 during an Art class.

Sixth Form (Ages 16-18)

Felsted pupils at MUN.

Key Stage 3 (Ages 11-14)

Felsted pupils conducting science experiment.

Academic Extension

Our extensive programme of academic enrichment opportunities provides an ideal opportunity for pupils to challenge themselves at all levels and explore opportunities beyond the curriculum.

Many of our academic and co-curricular subjects overlap, with opportunities to enjoy them as part of the curriculum but also as a co-curricular option. Supported by subject specialists or external experts, our pupils learn to lead their own learning, further developing their character to make a difference to the world around them.

A few examples of what we offer can be viewed below:

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Scholarships and Awards

Felsted’s Scholarship and Award programme is designed to ensure that pupils with exceptional talent, potential and commitment are supported and guided to greater heights. We offer Scholarship and Award pathways in six main disciplines - Academic, Art, Design, Technology & Engineering (DTE), Drama, Music and Sport.

Learn more about these disciplines via the links below:

Design, Technology and Engineering

Felsted pupil using DT equipment with protective mask covering their face and overalls on, sparks flying from machine.


Cricket, Hockey, Netball, Rugby, Tennis and Squash

Learn More

Felsted pupil hitting ball during cricket match.


Felsted pupils perform Oliver.

Accessing the Curriculum

Support for Learning (SFL)

The Support for Learning Department provides outstanding support to students at Felsted with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) in order for them to be suitably challenged and fulfil their potential in a safe environment. 

Learn more about SFL at Felsted

English as an Additional Language (EAL)

Pupils who use English as an additional language, and who are identified as needing additional English language support, may be advised to have EAL lessons if they need to improve their English language skills.

Learn more about EAL at Felsted

Latest Academic News

Useful Links


Two young Felsted pupils discussing their work in a lesson.


Felsted pupil speaking at Upjohn.


Felsted staff member Jane Miller on sofa speaking to Felsted students in wellbeing centre.


Three Felsted boarders on sofa talking.