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Round Square

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Felsted School is a member of the Round Square, an active network of over 230 schools spanning over 50 countries. The Round Square focuses itself on developing its 6 key principles of internationalism, democracy, environmentalism, adventure, leadership and service within the hearts and minds of the next generation.

Felsted’s ethos - and that of many of the students here - align strongly with these central ideals which are facilitated through mutually beneficial exchanges such as conferences, pupil exchanges and international charity events, as well as a myriad of other events and experiences.

This provides a beneficial and unique opportunity for Felstedians, allowing those interested to nurture these ever more important beliefs in an increasingly international and integrated world. 

“Plus est en vous!” is the leading belief and motto of the Round Square Organisation.

Further information about The Round Square Organisation, of which we are a Global Member can be found at



Round Square International Conference 2022

Felsted was proud to co-host the 2022 International Conference.  

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International Service Projects

Round Square International Service (RSIS) projects are opportunities for students and adults from Round Square schools to come together from across the globe and to take part in something amazing. Participation in a Round Square International Service Projects is a great way for young adults to learn about global citizenship, community engagement, develop a deeper understanding of the world’s problems and experience a new culture. Packed with challenging adventure and cultural awareness opportunities, the project programmes are designed to ensure that students have an exciting, experiential and holistic learning experience that is second-to-none.

Each year Round Square host two unique service projects for 50 students from Round Square Schools. The projects take place every year in July and December and run (on average) for two weeks.

Students work together with a rural community in need to build a vital piece of infrastructure. In the past this has been classrooms, accommodation for teachers, bridges and clean water systems.

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