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Global Education

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Global Education is a broad and encompassing term that alludes to many of the attributes, characteristics and principles that we aim to guide our pupils towards. This includes critical and creative thinking, cross-cultural collaboration, empathy building and working with multiple perspectives in mind.

The scope of our initiatives is not limited to students who are full time pupils at the school, but also to those who attend our programmes both online and on site. Whatever your situation might be and whichever country you might be reading this from, I hope that you will find an opportunity to become part of Felsted's Global Education community.

Explore Global Education
at Felsted

Within this section of the website you will find links to a number of practical ways that demonstrate our commitment to Global Education and the benefits that it can instill within young people.

International Summer School

At Felsted we believe that our International Summer School is an extraordinary opportunity for students to build their capacity to engage as members of a large and vibrant global community.

Join our Summer School

Felsted Summer School.

Round Square

Felsted School is a member of the Round Square, an active network of over 230 schools spanning over 50 countries.This partnership opens up access for Felstedians to numerous exciting opportunities.

Find out more

Pupils during Round Square trip.

Model United Nations

Model United Nations (MUN) Conferences present a unique opportunity for school pupils to consider very deeply the real-world issues of the day and to develop an understanding of the international co-operation needed to make a difference.

Find out more

Felsted pupils participating in Model United Nations conference.

Agents and Partners

We work with agents and partners across the globe to introduce students to Felsted. Please get in touch with us to find out more.

Agent information

Felsted pupils in DT lesson.

Overseas Admissions

Felsted has a long and well-established tradition of educating pupils from all over the world. If you are interested in joining Felsted School as an overseas boarder, our main entry points are Years 7, 9 and 12. Follow the link below to find out more.

Overseas Admissions

Overseas admissions.