School Transport

Minibuses have made some changes to ensure the safety of our pupils and drivers.

  • Siblings sit together and pupils and are distanced from each other where possible.
  • Pupils are required to wear face masks for the duration of the journey.
  • A screen has been fitted to each minibus, positioned between the driver and the pupils to reduce the possibility of any virus transmission.
  • Only the driver opens and closes the minibus doors to reduce any contact transmission.
  • Pupils have their temperature checked before being allowed to board the minibus.
  • We do our best to ensure the driver and bus is the same for each route each day. It is very unlikely the minibuses will be used for anything other than pupil pick up and drop off, which will eliminate any unnecessary cross contamination.
  • At the end of each journey, hard surfaces within the minibus are appropriately cleaned by the driver.