The Tailor's (uniform) Shop is located next to Stephensons Gate in the entrance to the Senior School Grounds and is open to parents, pupils and staff during normal opening hours.
For convenience we are still able to offer an ordering service via email or telephone. Goods can be collected from the shop or delivered to boarding house.
Felsted's Tailor's Shop stocks all the required uniform for both the Prep and the Senior School, as well as other useful kit, including sporting equipment and toiletry items.
We also have a Second Hand Uniform Shop where good quality uniform is available - please contact the Tailor's Shop for opening hours.
Opening Times
Monday / Wednesday 8.30am - 5pm
Tuesday / Thursday / Friday 1.15pm - 5pm
For individual appointments, please make contact to secure a suitable time.
Susan Ogburn, Tailor's Shop Manager
Direct Dial: 01371 822636
Fax: 01371 822637
Email: tailors@felsted.org
Felsted Uniform Lists
- Pre-Prep (Reception - Year 2)
- Prep School (Year 3 - Year 6)
- Prep School (Year 7 - 8)
- Senior School (Years 9-11)
- Sixth Form (Years 12-13)
Pre-Prep (Reception - Year 2)
All items on the list marked * must be obtained from the Felsted Tailor’s Shop. Small labels are to be sewn inside all day wear and large labels inside all sports kit and on the outside of all bags. Name Tapes are automatically ordered for you in two sizes and will be printed with your child’s full name, and will be charged to your school invoice. (01371 822636 / tailors@felsted.org)
School Uniform
Autumn and Spring Terms
- Black shorts or long trousers * or Tartan Tunic*
- Gold shirt * or Gold blouse*
- Maroon sweater * or Maroon cardigan*
- School tie * (with shirt)
- Short maroon socks (with trousers) *
- Long maroon socks (with shorts) *
- Maroon tights or long maroon socks (with tunic) *
- School hair scrunchie or hair band (maroon) *
Summer Term
- Gold polo with crest * or School summer dress *
- Black shorts (compulsory if not wearing a summer dress) *
- Maroon socks (short) * or White summer socks (to match summer dress) *
- Black shoes (not sandals)
- Summer hair scrunchie *
- Navy sun hat
PE and Activities Kit
- Maroon jogging trousers *
- Maroon sweatshirt with crest *
- Navy PE shorts *
- White PE t-shirt with crest *
- Short white PE socks
- Velcro trainers (predominantly white)
- Regulation school maroon rucksack for Activities kit (named on outside)*
Swimming Kit
- Regulation school maroon rucksack (as above – use the same rucksack) for swimwear (named on outside) *
- Black swimsuit/swimming trunks *
- Gold swimming hat *
- Towel
- Goggles
Forest School Kit
- Regulation school navy rucksack for water bottle, hats, gloves (named on outside)*
- Navy jogging trousers*
- Navy crested sweatshirt*
- Red crested t-shirt*
- Navy shorts* (as above)
- School coat (compulsory) * - please note we have waterproof coats at school for the children to wear too
- Pair of wellington boots
- Navy waterproof dungarees (example here)
- School crested black book bag (named on the outside)*
- School coat (compulsary)*
- School kagool (optional) *
- School maroon wool or fleece hat *
- School maroon gloves/mittens *
- Plain black school shoes with straps, buckles or Velcro
- Plastic water bottle
- Aulos brown descant recorder (Year 2 only)
After School Activities
After School Activities
The children should wear their maroon PE and Activities kit for all clubs EXCEPT Judo, Karate and Ballet. Children will be informed by the club teacher what clothing is required after their first session. If the children cannot use their maroon rucksack to bring their After School Activities kit into school as it is a swimming day, then we ask that the navy Forest School rucksack is used instead.
Prep School (Year 3 - Year 6)
All items on the list marked * must be obtained from the Tailor’s Shop. Small and large name tapes are automatically ordered for you by the Tailor’s Shop. Small labels are to be sewn inside all day wear and large labels inside all sports kit and on the outside of all bags. Name tapes are ordered once full registration is confirmed. The charge for these will be added to the initial Tailor’s Shop bill. (01371 822636 / tailors@felsted.org).
School Uniform
- Felsted Prep School blazer*
- Felsted Prep School coat*
- Felsted kagool (optional)*
- White open-necked long sleeved blouses (no tie worn) * or Long sleeved white shirts (with Prep School Tie*)
- White open-necked short sleeved blouses* or Short Sleeve white shirt (with tie) (both optional for Summer)
- Felsted Prep School kilt *, black Bermuda shorts* or long black trousers *
- Burgundy sweater *
- Burgundy cardigan* (optional with Summer Dresses for Year 3 & 4 only)
- Black tights (worn with kilt)
- Long Black socks (worn with kilt year-round or with Bermuda shorts in the winter)
- Short Black socks (worn with Bermuda shorts in the summer)
- Summer Dress* (optional for Year 3-5) (Summer Term & first half of Autumn Term)
- Short plain white socks (worn with kilt Summer Term & first half of Autumn Term)*
- Black shoes (sensible, not trainer style, with heel no higher than 3cm and no large buckles – NOT pump/ballet shoes)
- Felsted Prep School hair tie, hair band or stretch band (black)
- Plain black gloves
- Plain black or burgundy scarf
- Felsted black or burgundy wool hat (Prep School Noggin hat also allowed)
- School crested black school book bag (Year 3 only) *
- Black crested rucksack (from Year 4) *
- League polo shirt*
Sports Kit
- Burgundy Polo Shirt* x2
- Black crested Skort* (Netball) or Black Rugby Shorts* (Rugby)
- Felsted Prep School waterproof tracksuit top (Year 5 & 6 - compulsory; Year 3/4 - optional) *
- Felsted Prep School tracksuit trousers *
- Felsted Prep zipped sports top * or hooded sweatshirt*
- Reversible black Rugby shirt* (Rugby)
- Black lycra thermal base layer (optional) *
- Black PE Shorts*
- Gold games socks* (Years 3 - 6)
- Plain black games socks * (Years 3 & 4)
- Plain black socks (Years 3 & 4)
- White sports socks (Summer Term only)
- Black swimsuit * or Black swimming briefs (Years 3 & 4)
- Black swimsuit, shorts, or trunks * (Years 5 & 6)
- Felsted Prep School swimming hat and goggles (compulsory) *
- Felsted Prep School cricket slipover (Year 4 - 6 only - optional) *
- Felsted Prep School crested cricket shirt (Year 4 - 6 only - optional) *
- Cricket whites (Year 4 - 6 only - optional) *
- White base layer ‘skins’ (Summer Term only) (optional)
- Hockey stick (Autumn and Spring Terms – Year 3 to 6 only, Year 3 & 4 is optional)
- Tennis racquet (Optional - Summer Term – Year 5 & 6 only)
- Cricket bat, gloves and box (Summer Term – recommended - Year 5 & 6)
- Cricket helmet (Summer Term, hard ball cricket only) – recommended BS 7928:2013)
- Felsted Prep School baseball cap (burgundy) *
- Hockey-specific shin pads
- String bag for games kit *
- Black crested drawstring bag for swimming *
- Gum shield (compulsory for Year 3 - 6 - Autumn and Spring Terms)
- Trainers
- Astro trainers (Year 5 & 6 only; Year 3 & 4 - optional)
- Cricket boots (optional)
- Rugby boots (Autumn Term - Rugby only)
- Water bottle
- 1 towel (looped), comb, toiletries from Year 5 (no aerosols please)
Stationery items
Please note that Years 3 & 4 will have all their stationery provided for them.
- Calculator – Casio fx-83GTX calculator (from Year 5)
- Coloured pencils (Staedtler or Crayola)
- Compasses (a pair) (from Year 5)
- erasable pens (blue ink) x 2 (from Year 5)
- Purple pen (for editing work)
- Highlighters
- Pencils x 2 (HB)
- Pencil rubber
- Pencil sharpener
- Glue
- Scissors
- Protractor (180 and 360 degree) (from Year 5)
- Rulers (15 cm & 30 cm)
- Set square (from Year 5)
- Chromebook & Case (from Year 5)
Please help teach all children to respect their own belongings and those of others by naming them and encouraging them to look for them if they are lost. An electronic notice can be put up to help find things and a visit to matron is essential, who will help you to find anything that is missing. However, it is very hard if items are not named!
1. Marking and looping
It is essential that clear and permanent marking is made on all clothes, footwear, equipment and sports bags. Clothing must be marked with name tapes supplied by The Tailor’s Shop, with FPS after the pupil’s name.
- Sports kit
All sports kit must have their name tapes sewn neatly on the inside of the garment. Games socks should be named at the top outside cuff of the sock.
- Footwear
Footwear is best marked as seems most appropriate. Black shoes can always have initials painted on the soles, in front of the heel, where the sole does not touch the ground, but other items of footwear need to have a name tape very firmly fixed to the inside of the tongue. Please sew secure, strong loops onto all items to be hung that would not go in the string bag such as towels (loops to go on a long edge), coats and blazers.
2. Personal possessions
Watches, pens and other personal items must be marked, preferably by engraving. If a child is asthmatic, please give a spare named inhaler to the Matrons at the beginning of each term.
3. Rugby boots
These must have safety studs which are easily identified because they have the kite mark on them. The School can supply studs if you have difficulty in obtaining them.
4. Trainers
They must be practical, well cushioned shoes as they are worn for quite a lot of P.E. lessons, games and cross-country, as well as during breaks and free time.
5. Gum shields
You should arrange to have a gum shield fitted with your own dentist or direct with Opro who will supply a home fitting kit (www.opro.co.uk or 01707 261261). We do not recommend that you buy ‘self-fitting’ gum shields from sports shops, but do recommend the Opro ‘shield’ self-fitting gum shield available from the Tailor’s Shop. Pupils will not be allowed to participate in games/matches if they do not have a gum shield.
6. Swimming hats
Swimming hats are compulsory for all pupils in Year 3 - 8.
7. Sports equipment
Advice and help in purchasing suitable items such as hockey sticks, cricket bats and tennis rackets can be sought from any of the Heads of Sports or P.E. staff.
8. School bags
All students should have crested black bags, clearly marked with their name. This is for school books, stationary etc.
Year 3-4 - School crested black book bag.
Year 5-8 - School crested black rucksack.
Prep School (Year 7 - 8)
All items on the list marked * must be obtained from the Tailor’s Shop. Small and large name tapes are automatically ordered for you by the Tailor’s Shop. Small labels are to be sewn inside all day wear and large labels inside all sports kit and on the outside of all bags. Name tapes are ordered once full registration is confirmed. The charge for these will be added to the initial Tailor’s Shop bill. (01371 822636 / tailors@felsted.org).
School Uniform
- Felsted Prep School blazer*
- Felsted Prep School coat*
- Felsted kagool (optional)*
- White open-necked long sleeved blouses (no tie worn) * or Long sleeved white shirts (with Prep School Tie*)
- White open-necked short sleeved blouses* or Short Sleeve white shirt (with tie) (both optional for Summer)
- Felsted Prep School kilt *, black Bermuda shorts* or long black trousers *
- Burgundy sweater *
- Black tights (worn with kilt)
- Long Black socks (worn with kilt year-round or with Bermuda shorts in the winter)
- Short Black socks (worn with Bermuda shorts in the summer)
- Short plain white socks (worn with kilt Summer Term & first half of Autumn Term)*
- Black shoes (sensible, not trainer style, with heel no higher than 3cm and no large buckles – NOT pump/ballet shoes)
- Felsted Prep School hair tie, hair band or stretch band (black)
- Plain black gloves
- Plain black or burgundy scarf
- Felsted black or burgundy wool hat (Prep School Noggin hat also allowed) *
- Black crested rucksack *
- League polo shirt*
Sports Kit
- Felsted Navy Polo shirt X 2 *
- Felsted Skort or Sports Shorts *
- Felsted Navy Waterproof Sports Jacket *
- Felsted Navy Tracksuit Trousers *
- Felsted Navy Hooded Sweatshirt *
- Felsted Navy/Red Reversible Rugby Shirt *
- Felsted Rugby Shorts *
- Felsted Navy Sports Cap *
- Felsted Navy Sports socks X 2 *
- White sports socks (Summer Term only)
- Black swimsuit, shorts, or trunks *
- Felsted Prep School swimming hat and goggles (compulsory) *
- Felsted Prep School cricket slipover (optional) *
- Felsted Prep School crested cricket shirt (optional) *
- Cricket whites (optional) *
- White base layer ‘skins’ (Summer Term only) (optional)
- Hockey stick
- Tennis racquet (optional - Summer Term)
- Cricket bat, gloves and box (Summer Term – recommended)
- Cricket helmet (Summer Term, hard ball cricket only) – recommended BS 7928:2013)
- Hockey-specific shin pads
- String bag for games kit *
- Black crested drawstring bag for swimming *
- Gum shield (compulsory - Autumn and Spring Terms)
- Trainers
- Astro trainers
- Cricket boots (optional)
- Rugby boots (Autumn Term - Rugby only)
- Water bottle
- 1 towel (looped), comb, toiletries (no aerosols please)
Stationery items
Please note that Years 3 & 4 will have all their stationery provided for them.
- Calculator (Casio FX-85GTCW)
- Compasses (a pair)
- Erasable pens (blue ink) x 2
- Purple pen (for editing work)
- Highlighters
- Pencils x 2 (HB)
- Pencil rubber
- Pencil sharpener
- Glue
- Scissors
- Protractor (180 and 360 degree)
- Rulers (15 cm & 30 cm)
- Set square
- Combination padlock (optional)
- Chromebook & Case
Please help teach all children to respect their own belongings and those of others by naming them and encouraging them to look for them if they are lost. An electronic notice can be put up to help find things and a visit to matron is essential, who will help you to find anything that is missing. However, it is very hard if items are not named!
1. Marking and looping
It is essential that clear and permanent marking is made on all clothes, footwear, equipment and sports bags. Clothing must be marked with name tapes supplied by The Tailor’s Shop, with FPS after the pupil’s name.
- Sports kit
All sports kit must have their name tapes sewn neatly on the inside of the garment. Games socks should be named at the top outside cuff of the sock.
- Footwear
Footwear is best marked as seems most appropriate. Black shoes can always have initials painted on the soles, in front of the heel, where the sole does not touch the ground, but other items of footwear need to have a name tape very firmly fixed to the inside of the tongue. Please sew secure, strong loops onto all items to be hung that would not go in the string bag such as towels (loops to go on a long edge), coats and blazers.
2. Personal possessions
Watches, pens and other personal items must be marked, preferably by engraving. If a child is asthmatic, please give a spare named inhaler to the Matrons at the beginning of each term.
3. Rugby boots
These must have safety studs which are easily identified because they have the kite mark on them. The School can supply studs if you have difficulty in obtaining them.
4. Trainers
They must be practical, well cushioned shoes as they are worn for quite a lot of P.E. lessons, games and cross-country, as well as during breaks and free time.
5. Gum shields
You should arrange to have a gum shield fitted with your own dentist or direct with Opro who will supply a home fitting kit (www.opro.co.uk or 01707 261261). We do not recommend that you buy ‘self-fitting’ gum shields from sports shops, but do recommend the Opro ‘shield’ self-fitting gum shield available from the Tailor’s Shop. Pupils will not be allowed to participate in games/matches if they do not have a gum shield.
6. Swimming hats
Swimming hats are compulsory for all pupils in Year 3 - 8.
7. Sports equipment
Advice and help in purchasing suitable items such as hockey sticks, cricket bats and tennis rackets can be sought from any of the Heads of Sports or P.E. staff.
8. School bags
All students should have crested black bags, clearly marked with their name. This is for school books, stationary etc.
Year 3-4 - School crested black book bag.
Year 5-8 - School crested black rucksack.
Senior School (Years 9-11)
All items on the list marked * must be obtained from the Tailor’s Shop. “Name labels” will be automatically ordered for each student. If you are boarding, two sets will be ordered - UK-based pupils will receive a set of name tapes at your home address (June/July before starting), with the other set being sent to your boarding house. Small labels only sewn inside, one set for day students and a second set for matron for anyone that boards. Name tapes are ordered once full registration is confirmed. The charge for these will be added to the initial Tailor’s Shop bill. (01371 822636 / tailors@felsted.org).
School Uniform
- 1 x Felsted navy blazer*
- 2 x Felsted kilts* or full-length charcoal, black or navy trousers*
- 2 x Navy blue v-neck jumpers*
- 6 x White school shirts, either collared with a school tie or open collared blouse
- 6 x pairs of navy tights or 6 pairs of socks (plain charcoal grey, navy or black) *pupils wearing kilts may wear short white socks rather than tights when the school is in ‘Shirt Sleeve Order’ (summer uniform)
- 1 x plain navy, black or dark grey winter coat (longer than blazer)
- Felsted Logo School Bag*
- Black leather or patent shoes - flat or low-heeled, offering good arch support (no ballet pumps or suede)
Sports Kit
- 1 x Felsted Junior Leaders T Shirt (Year 9 only)*
- 1 x Felsted Navy Blue Skort or Shorts*
- 2 x Felsted Navy Blue Polo Tops*
- 1 x Felsted tracksuit trousers*
- 1 x Felsted waterproof tracksuit jacket*
- 1 x Felsted hoodie*
- 2 pairs of blue Felsted games socks*
- 1 pair plain black or navy sports leggings - optional
- 4 pairs of white sport socks or ankle socks
- 1 piece of swimwear navy or black
- 1 swimming towel
- 1 Pair of sports trainers (not fashion trainers)
- 1 hockey stick
- 1 pair of shin pads
- 1 pair of astro trainers
- 1 Mouth Guard (A gum shield fitting by OPRO is provided by the school in the Autumn Term)
- 1 Tennis racket
Sports Specific Equipment
Please note this is only required if you are playing this particular sport.
- 1 x Felsted Reversible Rugby top*
- 1 x Felsted Rugby Shorts*
- 1 scrum cap (Rugby)
- 1 pair of studded boots (football/rugby)
- 1 x Felsted Cricket Shirt*
- 1 x Cricket whites*
- 1 x Cricket slipover* (optional)
- 1 x Felsted white polo shirt* (tennis) - optional unless in school team
- 1 white Felsted skort/shorts* (Tennis) - optional unless in school team
Concert Dress
Concert Dress: Smart all black dress code Permitted combinations (please pick only one of the following) |
- 1 House Pin Badge
- 2 laundry bags (net)
- 2 bath towels and 2 hand towels of any colour
- Nightwear, dressing gown and slippers
- Underwear
- Hairbrush
- 1 x Umbrella
- Alarm clock
- Casual Clothes - 2 pairs of jeans or casual trousers and tops.
- 2 sets of single duvet cover and pillow case (optional, if you wish to bring your own)
- Stationery (pencil case & writing equipment)
- Calculator (Casio FX-85GTCW - or an older Casio model if you already have it)
- Chromebook and charger
- Phone charger
- Set of headphones
- Pictures and room decorations - no tapestries
- Pins for putting up decorations
Sixth Form (Years 12-13)
The majority of Sixth Form uniform can and should be purchased before students arrive at Felsted - there are only a small number of Sports Clothing items that you will need to buy in our Tailor’s Shop on site. Everything else can be bought at any major clothing store prior to arrival (such as Next, John Lewis, Marks and Spencer). All items on the list marked * must be obtained from the Tailor’s Shop.
Please do not worry about buying any “Specific Sports Clothing" and games kit in advance - this can wait until sports choices are confirmed on arrival at Felsted. Students will be able to visit the Tailor’s Shop to purchase compulsory items at the start of the Autumn term.
“Name labels” will be automatically ordered for each student. If you are boarding, two sets will be ordered - UK-based pupils will receive a set of name tapes at your home address (June/July before starting), with the other set being sent to your boarding house.
Pupils based overseas will receive their name labels on arrival at Felsted.
School Uniform
- 2 x tailored suits: skirt suit, dress suit or trouser suit of smart decent, business-like appearance, with the skirt/dress at most 2”/5cm above the knee
- 4-6 x cotton shirts or blouses, either open collared blouse (no frills) or stiff collared shirt, with a tie (House tie for L6); Any colour except black, dark blue, brown or denim, although at least one white shirt/blouse is required.
- 2 x V-necked jumpers, fine knit and plain, classic cut (grey, black or navy)
- 6 x pairs of plain, dark, opaque tights (with skirt or dress) or 6 x pairs of plain, dark grey or black socks (with trousers)
- 1 x pair of plain, black, low-heeled leather shoes or smart, ankle boots (no heavy shoes or boots)
- Plain, black, navy or charcoal grey winter coat (longer than the suit jacket)
- House pin and/or tie (to be bought from the Tailor Shop on arrival)
- Formal wear for social events and formal dinners (“Black Tie” attire)
Sports Kit
Only available from the School, onsite Tailor Shop:
- 1 x Felsted Navy Blue Skort or Shorts*
- 2 x Felsted Navy Blue Polo Tops*
- 1 x Felsted School Tracksuit Trousers*
- 1 x Felsted School Hooded Jumper*
- 1 x pair plain black or navy sports leggings - optional
- 3 x pairs of white sport socks or ankle socks
- 1 x pair of sports trainers (not fashion trainers)
Sports Specific Equipment
- 2 laundry bags (net)
- Coat/clothes hangers
- Casual Clothes
- Underwear
- Nightwear, dressing gown and slippers
- 2 bath towels and 2 hand towels of any colour
- 2 sets of single duvet cover and pillow case (if you wish to bring your own)
- Hairbrush
- Umbrella
- Stationery (pencil case & writing equipment)
- Calculator (CASIO FX-CG50)
- Chromebook/laptop and charger
- Phone charger
- Set of headphones
- Pictures and room decorations - no tapestries.
- Pins for putting up decorations