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Scholarships & Awards

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Felsted’s Scholarship and Mary Skill Awards Programme is designed to ensure that pupils with exceptional talent, potential and commitment are supported and guided to greater heights. 

Individualised Opportunities

A Felsted Award is more than just recognition; our award-holders benefit from meaningful, individualised opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge. Thanks to high-quality mentoring, specialist enrichment programmes and leadership roles, they learn to manage and enjoy challenge and success in a positive way. 

Sharing Expertise

Award-holders also experience the satisfaction of sharing their expertise and enthusiasm with others - they are role models in our community and they make a significant contribution to the life of the school.

Mary Skill Awards

In addition to Scholarships, Felsted offers honorary Mary Skill Awards. These are named for a former school benefactor and are designed to recognise potential and achievement in one or more disciplines at a level below that required for a scholarship. Depending on progress, a Mary Skill Award may be converted into a scholarship at the next assessment point.

Information by Discipline

How to Apply

More information will be available once applications open in September 2024.

Candidates typically apply for a maximum of two disciplines, which should be their strongest fields of study.  If candidates are genuinely excelling in more than two disciplines, or if you have any further questions, please contact the Admissions Office to discuss before submitting your application. 

Admissions Team

Miss Lauren Clark
Prep Admissions Registrar
(ages 4-12)

+44 (0)1371 822611

Mrs Susan Godfrey 
Senior Admissions Registrar
(ages 13-18)

+44 (0)1371 822605

Headshot of International Admissions Registrar Fran McCarthy.

Mrs Fran McCarthy
International Admissions Registrar (4-18)

+44 (0)1371 822608

Financial Assistance

Families of those pupils who receive either a Scholarship or a Mary Skill Award are eligible to apply for a means-tested top-up bursary. 

We are very grateful to Felsted benefactors who make it possible for us to offer financial assistance. Due to the number of applications we cannot guarantee we will be able to offer the financial assistance required in all cases.

Learn more about Felsted Bursaries here


Scholarships and Awards Disciplines

If you would like to learn more about what we offer for each Scholarship and Awards discipline both in the curriculum and beyond, please follow the links below.


Two Felsted pupils sat at desk in classroom, focus on one pupil smiling at laptop screen.


Felsted pupils perform Oliver.

Design, Technology and Engineering

Felsted pupil using DT equipment with protective mask covering their face and overalls on, sparks flying from machine.


Felsted pupil hitting ball during cricket match.