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ISI Inspection 2023

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Following an inspection at Felsted School in December 2023 by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) we are delighted to share the very positive report below, reflecting the excellent work that continues to be done across the school by so many. 

Felsted is one of the first schools in the country to be inspected according to ISI’s new framework of standards, which came into effect in September 2023 and replaces the previous single-word gradings. The new format ISI inspection report delves into the school’s leadership, management and governance; quality of education, training and recreation; pupils’ physical and mental health and emotional wellbeing; pupils’ social and economic education and contribution to society; and safeguarding.
The inspectors judged Felsted to be meeting the required Independent School Standards in every area and commented positively on all aspects of the provision covered by the report. These included the curriculum throughout the school, which inspectors described as ‘well-designed, broad and balanced’, and the teaching, which was assessed as ‘effective’. They also acknowledged Felsted’s ‘effective pastoral care and a school culture that promotes mutual respect; successfully supporting pupils’ physical and mental health and their emotional wellbeing’.
‘The updated inspection format better reflects the nuanced nature of education provision than the single-word assessment of the past, and I am pleased that the ISI inspectors have given an accurate report of our approach to providing a broad, high-quality education,’ commented Head Chris Townsend. ‘I am very proud of the entire school community, which works together to create such a happy and successful learning environment for pupils at Felsted.’

A selection of comments included in the ISI Inspection Report of Felsted School, December 2023:  

ISI report: Felsted’s leadership, management and governance:

  • ‘Clearly articulated school policies are made available to parents and the school has due regard for health and safety. Parents express confidence in the school’s leadership’
  • ‘The school’s governing body maintains rigorous oversight of the school and provides appropriate challenge and support for leaders’

ISI report: Felsted’s quality of education, training and recreation

  • ‘A well-designed, broad and balanced curriculum and effective teaching ensure that pupils acquire a range of skills and knowledge and make good progress’
  • ‘A well-structured early years’ curriculum supports children’s quick development of communication skills’
  • ‘Staff create enjoyable and purposeful lessons so that pupils engage and make good progress’
  • ‘Leaders in the support for learning department carefully guide and support pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) to meet their learning needs’
  • ‘Pupils with English as an additional language (EAL) are supported well to develop their fluency in English’
  • ‘Pupils benefit from a wide programme of co-curricular activities which include sport, music, drama and art. Extra-curricular activities include medicine and society, journalism, cookery, debating and the Combined Cadet Force’

ISI report: Felsted pupils’ physical and mental health and emotional wellbeing

  • ‘Effective pastoral care and a school culture that promotes mutual respect successfully supports pupils’ physical and mental health and their emotional wellbeing’
  • ‘Pupils learn to respect each other, to appreciate fundamental British values such as those of individual liberty, democracy and respect of those with different faiths and beliefs...’
  • ‘The international nature of the boarding provision encourages tolerance and respect for those of different cultures’


ISI report: Felsted pupils’ social and economic education and contribution to society

  • ‘Pupils are effectively prepared for opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life in British society’
  • ‘Pupils are enthusiastic in their support for a wide range of local, national and international charities and causes’ 

ISI report: Felsted safeguarding

  • ‘The culture within the school ensures that the welfare of pupils is well-managed’
  • ‘Pupils, including those in boarding, feel safe, secure and well-cared for’

‘We are delighted with the results of the recent ISI Inspection, which highlights Felsted's commitment to providing a well-rounded education that nurtures the wellbeing of our learners,’ commented Prep Head, Miranda Norris. ‘The positive feedback from the inspectors reflects our dedication to delivering a curriculum that is both broad and balanced, ensuring effective teaching and successful support for the physical, mental, and emotional needs of our pupils. This report is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our entire school community, and we are immensely proud of the positive learning environment we have cultivated here at Felsted’.

In the previous ISI Inspection Report, carried out in 2019, Felsted School was judged ‘excellent’ in all areas.

ISI Quote 11 - 2023

Pupils are enthusiastic in their support for a wide range of local, national and international charities and causes.

ISI 2023 

ISI Quote 9 - 2023

Pupils learn to respect each other, to appreciate fundamental British values such as those of individual liberty, democracy and respect of those with different faiths and beliefs...

ISI 2023 

ISI Quote 8 - 2023

Pupils benefit from a wide programme of co-curricular activities which include sport, music, drama and art. Extra-curricular activities include medicine and society, journalism, cookery, debating and the combined cadet force.

ISI 2023 

ISI Quote 7 - 2023

Pupils with English as an additional language (EAL) are supported well to develop their fluency in English.

ISI 2023 

ISI Quote 6 - 2023

Leaders in the support for learning department carefully guide and support pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) to meet their learning needs.

ISI 2023 

ISI Quote 5 - 2023

Staff create enjoyable and purposeful lessons so that pupils engage and make good progress.

ISI 2023 

ISI Quote 4 - 2023

A well-structured early years’ curriculum supports children’s quick development of communication skills.

ISI 2023 

ISI Quote 3 - 2023

Pupils, including those in boarding, feel safe, secure and well-cared for.

ISI 2023 

ISI Quote 2 - 2023

The culture within the school ensures that the welfare of pupils is well-managed.

ISI 2023 

ISI Quote 1 - 2023

Pupils are effectively prepared for opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life in British society.

ISI 2023 

ISI Quote 10 - 2023

The international nature of the boarding provision encourages tolerance and respect for those of different cultures.

ISI 2023 


What is ISI?

ISI is an independent inspectorate, appointed by the Department for Education to inspect association independent schools in England. The inspection reports inform the Department for Education on the extent to which the statutory Independent School Standards are met. 

Visit the ISI Website to Find Out More